God alone is holy and therefore hates evil and sin. The wages of sin is death. If you want proof that we are all under sin then look at how we all are dying. If we could get into heaven by our own deeds then we should also be able to overcome death but we can't. Only Jesus who was sinless could rise from the dead. Only Jesus therefore can save us from our sins. |
7. SALVATION IS FOUND IN Jesus Christ ALONEHow do you know the truth? The answer is that God reveals it to a person who is honestly seeking to repent of their sins. This is not about a new religion it is about eternity and where you will be. It is easy to believe in what you were taught as a child but remember you enter eternity alone not with your family. You must be sure - 100% that what you believe is the truth and who you believe in is trustworthy. The bible tell us that Jesus Christ is the greatest of all men because he is the Son of God. He is greater than Abraham, Jacob, Moses, David, Solomon, Jonah, John the baptist. Why? Because He is the Eternal Word that became flesh, went to the cross, paid for sins not his own and defeated death to rise again for evermore. That means salvation can only be found in HIm. Peter the apostle preached this in Acts 4:12 ‘Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. 4:12 ‘
My friend, what will you do then with Jesus which is called Christ? Will you accept the Son of God as your Saviour or meet Him as your judge? Remember no one wants to trust in a dead man and no one wants to follow a God who leaves you at the end not knowing if you are good enough. Salvation means what it says in the bible - rescued! For over four thousand years before the Koran millions have gone to Heaven who never heard of Allah or Mohammud but trusted fully in the only way to God, faith in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Hell and the Lake of fire will be full of religious people who were too proud to turn from their sin, from their multiple wives and immoral living and from their blasphemy of Jesus Christ in denying Him His rightful place as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Your life is a flash, don't get it wrong! Be saved and be sure of it. |