God became a real man and here he is, the sun high in the sky, tired, thirsty and hungry but he wanted to go through Samaria. Just for one woman! A woman He knew who was running on empty! Her life consisted of a number of failed relationships, leaving her sad, vulnerable and depressed with her life. She had been to this well many many times and always at the hottest part of the day so that she would avoid meeting anyone. But she couldn't avoid a meeting with Jesus Christ. God saw Her and as He sent His Son into the world to save sinners that included Her. Jesus travelled far to meet her and as He sat waiting at the well for Her to come, He sits in Heaven today waiting for you to trust Him too. Jesus would be the 7th man, the perfect man and the Saviour man.
As he sat on a well and asked her for a drink she was shocked for he being a Jew He would not have spoken normally to her a Samaritan. But this was not normal because Jesus was seeking her for salvation.
He told her that the water from the well would only qunech her thrist for a little time but Eternal life would satisfy for ever her spiritual thirst. Without Eternal life the bible says we will perish in Hell eternally if we have no salvation.
Before she coud have the water from God she must admitt she was a sinner and turn to Christ recognising who He is. Jesus exposes her sin and she repents leaves her waterpot fully trusting this man Jesus Christ as Saviour to begin witnessing for Christ who has saved her, Others came and heard the Gospel and were saved as well. What about you?
Maybe you are a thirsty sinner, a lonely student or a young person tired of the party scene. Would you like to know Jesus as Saviour and Lord. What about Heaven and Hell? are you aready to meet God?
As he sat on a well and asked her for a drink she was shocked for he being a Jew He would not have spoken normally to her a Samaritan. But this was not normal because Jesus was seeking her for salvation.
He told her that the water from the well would only qunech her thrist for a little time but Eternal life would satisfy for ever her spiritual thirst. Without Eternal life the bible says we will perish in Hell eternally if we have no salvation.
Before she coud have the water from God she must admitt she was a sinner and turn to Christ recognising who He is. Jesus exposes her sin and she repents leaves her waterpot fully trusting this man Jesus Christ as Saviour to begin witnessing for Christ who has saved her, Others came and heard the Gospel and were saved as well. What about you?
Maybe you are a thirsty sinner, a lonely student or a young person tired of the party scene. Would you like to know Jesus as Saviour and Lord. What about Heaven and Hell? are you aready to meet God?