6. Jesus Christ DID DIE ON THE CROSSTo remove the death of Jesus Christ from the bible is to reject the bible’s core message of redemption from Genesis to Revelation. In Psalm 22 the crucifixion of Jesus is prophesied before crucifixion was invented ‘they pierced my hands and my feet.’ Above the cross the Romans wrote a title, “This is Jesus of Nazareth the King of the Jews.” in 3 different languages, Greek, Hebrew and Latin because his death was public so that everyone would see. The Jewish historian Josephus recorded that Jesus was crucified by Pilate and the great Roman historian Tacitus described how Pilate ordered the execution of Jesus. Any book that claims Jesus didn’t die can only be judged totally unreliable. The reason many want to discredit his death is to avoid why he died and the fact he rose from the dead. He really did die and rise the third day. The apostles were martyred for something they saw to be true because they saw Jesus alive. They did not die for something they were told was true. Have you ever admitted that you are a sinner and that Jesus Christ died for you! This is God’s message of salvation.