3.GOD IS HOLY AND GRACIOUSGod is Holy. Isaiah 6:3 says ‘Holy, Holy Holy!’ God is good for He is Holy, harmless and sinless. These are the very words used to describe Jesus in Heaven, ‘holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens,’ Hebrews 7.26. We are conceived in sin and therefore sin daily. We are like an archer whose arrow always misses the target of God’s standard. Sin separates us from God and shames us before God. We have nothing that God can accept as payment for our sins but God in love offers us grace. Grace is amazing because it is not earned or deserved. Mercy withholds judgment but grace offers forgiveness past present and future. God does not hold us responsible for being born in sin but if we reject His grace He will hold us responsible for dying in our sins. Jesus said in John 8:21 'if you ‘die in your sins: where I go, ye cannot come.’ Jesus bore the guilt and shame of our sin on the cross so that we can receive forgiveness through faith in Him. ‘The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.’ Rom. 6:23