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We are a nation that is searching. For what? The most popular words include Facebook, Youtube, Gmail, weather and Amazon. Searching for meaning in life is evidence we are more than atomic molecules in a randomly created universe. We are souls seeking for truth and happiness which is often defined by getting what we want and hearing what we like! But truth means we must accept things that are not always the way we want. An unpleasant diagnosis from the doctor may be true therefore we must seek a cure. But where does our search for happiness end? Any news feed will show the world’s desire to pursue it’s own way has resulted in a corrupt world searching for answers in politics and scientific theories that never answer the big questions. The bible deals with the big issues! The Gospel is good news but it’s diagnosis is painful and that is why many turn away. God tells us that we all have sinned and despite outward differences every heart is the same, going it’s own way not Gods. God’s standard for measuring ‘good’ is Jesus Christ. He is sinless. Jesus said if we reject Him we will die in our sins and cannot go where he is, - Heaven. God hates sin but loves the sinner. The Gospel is not a man-made religion. Religion focuses on what WE can do to be right with God but the Gospel places ALL value in what Jesus Christ did when He died for our sins and rose from the dead. Repentance means turning from my sin and placing my faith in Jesus Christ. Then God forgives me and saves me. I will never be in Hell and sure of Heaven. It’s time to repent! Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. Acts 16:31
June 2018
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